Have your documents filled out and signed online and free yourself from paper


Our electronic signature software provides all the tools to offer your customers a modern and more efficient service for filling out and signing your documents online.

What can you do with FastReplySignature?

With FastReplySignature,  create and customize  documents for your business: just as an example, if in your business you need your customers to sign a Waiver of Liability, Privacy Policy, Release for Photos and Videos, Certificate of Participation, or a Temporary Lease Agreement, an acceptance of terms of use, etc., in the documents section you can create your own document undependently.

Once the document is created, you can send it via email or WhatsApp to your customers, or your customers can read the QR code you generated in the appropriate section of our software, and through their smartphone access the information, fill in the required fields (with smartphones often suggesting fields and making filling out very fast) and they can sign the document electronically (with their finger on the smartphone), explicitly accepting all points of the declaration.

Once the form is completed, a copy of the signed document will be sent to the customer via email and a copy will be sent to your mailbox (optional).

The signed version of the document is automatically synchronized, updating the archive in real-time.

The digital archive securely and safely stores all signed documents for the period established by your privacy regulations (adjustable as an option in the back office); at the end of this period, they are automatically deleted. In the reserved area, you can search by day, by customer name, by email, and view each accepted field.

Why FastReplySignature?

If you have a diving center, a gym, hotel, rental service, library or similar business, you can benefit from the advantages offered by our electronic signature software.

With FastReplySignature, you can have your customers fill out and sign liability waivers, information and releases and receive them comfortably via email.

In your dashboard, you will have access to a convenient digital archive of all created documents.

You can easily view and manage the list of customers who have signed the documents, conducting internal searches.

Speed and Convenience!

The software is very useful both to speed up the completion of documents in your business premises and because it offers the possibility of having them filled out comfortably at home.

FastReplySignature, eco-friendly documents without stress!

Advantages of digitalization

Easily customizable

Regardless of the sector or the specific needs of your business, our online declaration compilation software offers you the flexibility to customize and update documents easily and request pertinent information from your customers

Quick access

The software offers various options for simple and fast document sharing. Your customers can access the information to be completed via a link (sent to the customer via email or WhatsApp) or by framing a QR Code generated directly on FastReplySignature, which you can print and attach in the briefing room. Customers can access, fill out and sign the document in a few clicks on their phone, thus improving their customer experience

Saving time and costs

FastReplySignature allows documents to be signed via smartphone, eliminating the need to print, sign and scan documents, saving on paper and ink costs


FastreplySignature offers an eco-friendly way to manage documents: the process of signing on smartphones and saving signed documents online contributes to environmental protection by eliminating the consumption of paper and ink

Operational efficiency

Digitalizing documents allows you to collect and store all waivers, privacy statements and other declarations signed by your customers in an orderly, secure and accessible manner, eliminating the need for dedicated paper archives and the resulting risk of lost or damaged documents

It's simple, economical, it's cloud... It's FastReplySignature!

Never again long and boring searches on printed sheets that are never found and have the habit of hiding and mingling with each other! No more wasted paper and ink!

Who can benefit from FastReplySignature?

FastReplySignature is extremely useful for a wide range of activities and sectors. Business, self-employed professional or association: whatever your activity, our software offers many advantages to simplify the creation and sending of documents and waivers, optimize the signing process by customers and the subsequent saving of documents, improving the overall efficiency of your company.

Wheter you are a restaurant, diving center, conference organizer, sports association, hotel or rental service, our software is designed for you!

You can create and customize a wide range of forms, such as Short-term Lease Contracts, Waiver of Liability, Privacy Policy, Certificates of Participation, Release for Photos and Videos.

FastReplySignature allows you to offer a faster, convenient, modern and eco-friendly user experience.

A versatile and adaptable software, ready to meet your specific needs.

Integrations with FastReply

FastReplySignature is versatile software: it can be used alone or as part of the FastReply suite: CRM / CRO for hotels and accommodation facilities.

The integration between FastReplySignature and FastReplyCRM allows you to automate the document sending process.