A film production company, engaged in the production of numerous movies, contacted us with the need to expedite the hiring procedures for extras.
Before adopting FastReplySignature, each extra had to sign several documents before filming scenes: the contract, a privacy form, a form to specify bank details for payment, etc.
The procedure involved several steps: these documents had to be printed, signed, scanned, and emailed to the production office, which then had to print and physically archive them. This was typically done at filming locations, which are usually not suitable for administrative activities.
It was a waste of time, paper, and ink, requiring two dedicated personnel: one on set and another in the production office.
All of this was greatly simplified by using FastReplySignature.
The documents to be signed are now sent to the extras via email or WhatsApp, making the process more efficient and eco-friendly. A QR code has been posted at the extras’ meeting point, allowing anyone who did not receive the link to complete and sign the documents via their smartphone or a tablet provided by the production.
This innovation has significantly simplified the temporary hiring process for extras, document signing, and data management.
The production offices now have direct access to the comprehensive and easily accessible cloud archive, eliminating the need to store paper documents. Access to extras’ data is now immediate, allowing detailed searches and more effective management with just a few clicks.
The production can easily export the necessary data for payments, and the person in charge of recruiting extras has a complete database available to re-contact extras for additional scenes.
Furthermore, from FastReplySignature, contacts can be exported and used in a CRM program.
The film production company has thus transformed a once cumbersome process into a digitalized and productive workflow, saving valuable time.